Music Monday: Concert Update
Hello! Let's pretend that I haven't been noticeably absent for the last month and a half...Okay? Okay. I've been feeling significantly more inspired as of late, so I'm hoping this return will be for good. I've got a few posts that I wrote all the way back in the summer stored up which means there will be a few flashbacks coming up in the near future. You'll have to look past the tank tops and shorts (We can only dream the weather was still that way). First, I want to catch you up on the things that have been going on most recently with me. I've got a general life catchup for Wednesday, but Mondays are for music. This post is going to be catching you up on the shows I've been too over the past few months. I've been to 3 which for me is actually a pretty calm semester. Remember when my parents bought me tickets to Justin Timberlake for my birthday back in May? (See that post here). That show is this Friday, so you'll be hearing all about that next Monday! But now let's have a chat about who I've seen recently.
Ed Sheeran (September 12)

Incredible as always! It goes without saying that I have a lot of love for Ed Sheeran. This is the 6th time I've seen him, and every time is better than the last. His voice is unbelievable, but the best part is being able to watch him captivate a room all by himself. He was selling out arenas with tens of thousands of people, and it was all him. If you ever have a chance to see him, take it. He's definitely one to add to your concert bucket list (What? I'm the only one with one of those?).
Music Midtown (Sept 19-20)

I posted about the shows that I was excited for in September and shared the lineup for Music Midtown here. It was my very first festival, and the lineup was just too good to resist. I ended up seeing Iggy Azalea, John Mayer, Third Eye Blind, Twenty One Pilots, B.o.B., Needtobreathe, Fitz and the Tantrums, Bastille, and Eminem. When you do the math, I paid about 16.50 to see each of them which was more than worth it. I already can't wait for them to announce next year's lineup. John Mayer and Bastille were incredible as always and the main draw to this festival for me. Both are good examples of solid acts who will always give you your money's worth. Everything else was just the best bonus. Honestly, my only regret was not spending more time at the Twenty One Pilots show as I've really fallen in love with them since then. Anyways, it was a great festival overall this year. For any outdoor festival, you are always going to be around some questionable behavior. Overall, the headliners of this festival really determine how much of it you are going to see. Because it's cheap in the festival-world and in a big city like Atlanta, it is very easily accessible to a lot of people. I know last year's was a bit miserable because some of my friends went to it. The Red Hot Chili Peppers were the headliner, and they drew a completely different crowd than this year. Just keep that in mind if you are considering going to this one.
The 1975 (November 29)

If you've been following this blog since last May, you'll know I've seen The 1975 already (post here). Are you sensing a pattern here? There are just some bands that I can't stay away from. Though the behavior of the people around me and the people on stage was considerably calmer this time, I would still have to say I preferred the show in May to this one. They have grown in popularity quite a bit, and they draw a weirdly intense crowd. It's a mix of hipsters and teenage fangirls which makes for an interesting mix. People starting waiting in line for this midnight the night before, so I wasn't as close this time. They still sounded great and put on a good show. Their album reigns as one of my favorite albums that has been put out in the last 5 years. They would be a great band to catch at a festival to get a taste of what they're like.
So that's everything you've missed. I can't wait to tell you all about JT next week! If there are any recently released albums that you'd like to see a review on or playlists you want to see, let me know in the comments below. My concert number has just recently hit 35, so I'm going to try to come up with a way to talk about all the ones I've ever been to soon.
What shows have you been to recently?