What I Wore: July 4th
Hello, and welcome to my 100th post!! It feels weird to be coming to you on a different day of the week, but I've got a special/serious post to share tomorrow. I didn't want to wait a super long time to get this one up, so Friday it is. Quickly before I get into this one, I want to thank you guys for the response to the post about my purple hair! It's only been up for 2 days and is already my 4th most viewed post. If you checked it out, thank you. It really means a lot to me!
I just wanted to share what I wore on the Fourth of July with you today! I've never been the kind of person who dresses up for particular holidays and events. Recently, I've realized that holidays only come once a year (Weird, right?), and I personally feel like I have more fun when I'm dressed for the occasion. Might as well just go for it. Without a doubt, this is the most patriotic I have ever looked. The skirt I am wearing is probably my favorite one that I own. It goes with so many things, and it's long enough to be appropriate for any situation. It's navy blue with white polka dots which made it a perfect choice for July 4th. I shared last week that I've been caught up in World Cup fever (I did play soccer for 15 years, so I don't think anyone is surprised). I had been hunting for a player shirt to wear for the USA vs. Belgium game. I picked up this Clint Dempsey one at my local soccer shop. It is so soft, so it is safe to say that I'll be wearing this long after he retires. I added a pair of white sneakers that I had taken some sharpies to a few years back and a red headband. Below, you'll find pictures, outfit details, and a few similar pieces in case you are looking for anything like these.

Shirt: US Soccer
Skirt: Alex Marie
Shoes: Target
Headband: H&M