The Book Nook/2
Hello! This must be an entertainment heavy week because it's time for a few more book recommendations. I had actually finished all of these by the time the first Book Nook post went up. I told you guys I had been reading crazy fast. I've lost count of how many books I have read this summer so far, but I recently joined Goodreads to help me keep track of all of them! If you are interested in what I am currently reading, you can add me on there. I really like it because it is letting me get a list of everything I've read started, and it lets you see what your friends are currently reading. After these, I did take a bit of a break from reading to get sucked into a TV show (more on that next week), but now I'm back. In case you missed it, I talked all about my love of #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso on Wednesday. I've got 3 more to talk about today, so let's get started!

If I Stay by Gayle Forman
This is another YA novel turned movie that is definitely worth the read before it hits the big screen. You can check out the trailer below. It is another really emotional book. It's about a very talented girl who is trying to decide where she is going to go to college. She has her family and her boyfriend to worry about. All that changes when her family is in a car accident (It happens really early in the book, so I wouldn't count that as a spoiler). From then on she is having an out of body experience, her narration of the story mixes together her observations of the people around her in the hospital and a lot of flashbacks. I found parts of it particularly hard to read because of the car accident that I told you guys about, so it was a bit much for me to look back on that. It is well written and a beautiful story overall. If you like John Green, he thinks very highly of Gayle Forman, so she could be a good author to look into.
Beauty by Lauren Conrad
I don't know about you guys, but I've still got a soft spot for Lauren Conrad. That soft spot particularly applies to the way she styles herself. I love her clothes, and she always looks beautiful. If you are looking for a light read or a serious beauty lover like me, then this one is for you. I read her book Style over Christmas, so I was excited to pick this up! It includes lots of pictures, step-by-step looks, tips, and tricks. Those are always helpful, and I never get tired of tutorials. Also, this book included of ton of information about skin care and harmful ingredients. I found it really educational on that front. If you are looking to be a little more informed in the world of beauty, this would be a good place to start.
Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan
I would say that John Green is my favorite author, so I've been wanting to make sure that I've read everything he currently has out. I've already made my way through everything he has put out on his own, so that left this and one other book that he has co-authored. This tells the story of two boys both named Will Grayson and how their stories eventually connect. I did like this book, but for me it pales in comparison to his others. If you are just getting into John Green as an author, I would certainly start with one of the books that he wrote by himself. If you've made your way through his others like I have, then maybe consider picking this one up.
Recently, I picked up a few books that I wouldn't recommend and figured I should tell you about those too. I've been hearing a lot about an indie movie called Palo Alto, and it's based on a book written by James Franco. I hardly made it through 20 pages before I knew it wasn't for me. It's a book of short stories which is why I felt okay about making a judgement that quickly. I still might give the movie a try, but the book wasn't for me. Also, I picked up a book called One Day by David Nicholls. I remembered seeing the trailer for the movie (starring Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess), and the concept sounded interested. As the title would suggest, each chapter covers one day in the lives of these two people and their relationship with each other. You get to hear about every July 15 for 20 years. At first, I was excited about this idea because I've never read a book written in this style. I got 150 pages into this one before putting it down. I realized that because of the time jump I was having a hard time connecting to the characters. Personally, I didn't care where their story was going because I wasn't getting enough of the individual pieces of their lives. If you find connecting to characters an easy task, this one could be for you.
As always, I'm open to any book suggestions! What is a book you've read recently and loved?