How To: Paint Dipped Mason Jar
During my time at home, I decided to get a little crafty. I already a ticket stub diary for all my concert tickets, but I don't have anything for my movie tickets. I really like to keep those too. They are really cool to look through when the year is up. I have seen some ideas for a paint dipped jar on Pinterest and was interested to try it. I think mine turned out pretty cute! All you need to make it is a jar, Mod Podge, paint, lace, yarn, tape, a sharpie and a foam brush. I included some steps to follow below!

Of course, you can stop after step 4 if you just want your jar to be plain, or you can write any cute saying on it that you like. I chose "Admit One" as my jar will be holding all my tickets. Now that I'm back at school, I've got all my tickets in it. It turned out really cute!
If any of you guys make something like this, I would love to see it!